FAMILY HISTORY is a key resource for genealogical research.

Databases include Australian convict index, Australian electoral rolls, United Kingdom census records, British Army World War One pension records, United States census records and much more.

Please Note: This e-Resource is only available from within the Library

State Library of Western Australia

Explore the State Library of Western Australia Family History e-Resources, which include records and archives including ship and passenger records, national archives and state records.

Most of the State Library subscription e-Resources are accessible from home.


Explore Trove for digital content and information on collections around Australia. The Digitised newspapers section includes searchable historic newspapers up to 1954, including the Northern Times and Northern Guardian. You can also explore photographs, maps, archives, catalogues and much more.


State Library's Storylines platform was developed to provide direct access to the significant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander collections that the State Library holds. Browse thousands of photographs, find your family and assist the State Library in identifying and returning this vital material.