E-Magazines are available via the Libby app. All have unlimited access so there are no restrictions to the number of magazines you can borrow but, like the books on this platform, there is a 21-day loan period. The magazines are in addition to your Libby quota of eBook or e-Audiobook loans.
E-Magazines are now also available via the BorrowBox app. Like other formats, up to ten (10) e-magazines can be borrowed for up to 21 days.
To get started, download the app from either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Log in using your library membership card number and PIN
Libby by OverDrive
E-Magazines can be easily accessed from your computer, mobile or tablet device. With a wide selection of titles available, there is something for all ages.
BorrowBox is an e-audiobook and e-book download service which is accessed through the Western Australian Public Libraries Digital Media Collection (WAPLDMC). The service consists of a website and mobile apps for Apple and Android devices.
Use your library card barcode (the app is case-sensitive) and PIN linked to your membership.
BorrowBox is the most popular Australian and international app for e-books, e-Audiobooks and now e-magazines. |