Community Growth Fund Register 

Community Growth Fund Recipients 20/21 Financial Year 

Organisation  Event/ Activity  Amount 
Gascoyne Food Council

Annual Gascoyne Food Festival 2021 


Gascoyne Arts Society

Carnarvon Art Show 


Carnarvon Chamber of Commerce

Carnarfin Fishing Competition


Carnarvon Windfest

Carnarvon Windfest Event


Carnarvon Christian School End of Year School Awards $50
Carnarvon Community College End of Year School Awards - Secondary $70
School of the Air End of Year School Awards $60
St Mary's Catholic School End of Year School Awards $70
ABC Foundation NAIDOC 2020 $5,000
Gascoyne Off Road Racing GasDash $7,000
Gascoyne in May Eventide Arts Festival $10,000

Community Growth Fund Recipients 21/22 Financial Year 

Organisation  Event/ Activity  Amount 
Gascoyne Food Council Gascoyne Food Festival 2022 $10,000
Norwest Boardriders

Northwest Youth Surfing Program


Carnarvon Golf Club

Golf Club Open 2022


Church of Christ

Carols by Candelight 2022


Carnarvon Tennis Club

Continuing Youth Tennis Engagement


Carnarvon Christian School

End of Year School Awards


Carnarvon Community College

End of Year School Awards - Secondary


School of the Air

End of Year School Awards


St Mary's Catholic School

End of Year School Awards


ABC Foundation



Carnarvon Chamber of Commerce Carnarfin Fishing Competition


Gascoyne Offroad Racing GasDash


Carnarvon Windfest Carnarvon Windfest Event


Carnarvon Netball Association Replacement of Damage Equipment


Gascoyne n May Eventide Arts Festival


Community Growth Fund Recipients 22/23 Financial Year

Organisation  Event/ Activity  Amount 
Carnarvon Ladies Darts Association Pilbara Darts Competition 2023 $2,000 + in kind hire of Woolshed
ABC Foundation

Let's Talk Basketball Carnival 

$1,940 in kind hire of Premier Oval

Italian Club Fremantle

A Celebration of Carnarvon's Italian Heritage


Carnarvon Christian School

End of Year School Awards


Carnarvon Community College

End of Year School Awards - Secondary


School of the Air

End of Year School Awards


St Mary's Catholic School

End of Year School Awards


Carnarvon Heritage Precinct 

Rates Donation 


Carnarvon Horse & Pony Club 

Rates Donation 


Carnarvon Rifle Club 

Rates Donation


Carnarvon Arts & Craft Workshop 

Rates Donation 
