Cenotaph Receives Care & Attention Before 100th Birthday!

Published on Friday, 31 March 2023 at 4:45:00 PM

Refurbishment works have been completed on the Cenotaph in the lead up to the ANZAC Day Dawn Service and the 100th anniversary since its construction in 1923.

Shipped from Perth to Carnarvon in 1923, the Memorial stands as it did when first erected, constructed of Donnybrook Sandstone topped by Soldier Billy, the bronze figure added in 2015.

The Shire of Carnarvon budgeted funds for the 2022/2023 maintenance program which allowed for Westerley’s to trim and tidy the surrounding trees and Faithfull’s Painting to clean and prepare the surface of the Cenotaph, protect plaques and attachments before painting with protective coats for the pictured finish.

Combined with the new flagpoles installed with assistance from generous community members via a fundraising effort, the overall result is a stately site for the ANZAC Dawn Service hosted by the RSL Carnarvon commencing 5:50am on Tuesday 25 April 2023.


Further Information:
P | (08) 99410000
E | shire@carnarvon.wa.gov.au

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