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  • The maximum file size for uploads is 2GB.
  • The following files types are allowed: jpg, jpeg, png, gif
  • You can order the files by dragging the panel to the desired order.

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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions 

Who is eligible for a directory listing?

To be eligible for inclusion in the Shire of Carnarvon Website Directory, your business, group, organisation, club or not-for-profit organisation must be:

  • A community-based business, group, organisation or club or not-for-profit organisation based in the Shire of Carnarvon, local government area, or;
  • A service provider that our residents would reasonably expect to find in this type of directory.
  • Must have a physical address or post office box located within the Carnarvon Council Local Government Area.
  • Must have a valid, functioning phone number and or email address.

All users must:

  • Ensure the information provided is current and accurate for their organisation’s listing; and,
  • Be responsible for updating all information provided in their listing in any directory or website.

Users must not use the Shire of Carnarvon’s Directory to:

  • Display unsolicited, fraudulent or deceptive information;
  • Post information which includes but is not limited to intimidating or harassing statements or such which may lead to civil or criminal action;
  • Post information or multimedia files which are pornographic, obscene or otherwise offensive;
  • Encourage acts which may constitute a civil or criminal offence; or
  • Post information or material which may contain viruses or other malicious programs and/or cause harm to users and the general operation of the website.

Council Rights and Responsibilities

We reserve the right to:

  • Refuse, reject and terminate any listing or website at any time for any reason and are under no obligation to provide reason;
  • Remove information, which is political, racist, unlawful, threatening, abusive, indecent, pornographic or defamatory;
  • Modify or discontinue any service offered via the directory at any time for any reason;
  • Provide information contained in any directory in other formats, i.e. publications and online newsletters; and,
  • Amend the Terms and Conditions at our discretion. We recommend you review the Terms and Conditions regularly.

The Shire of Carnarvon directory is provided for information purposes only. Council does not endorse any club, group or organisation therein. While every effort is made to ensure the directory is current and up to date, council takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the listings.

Registering your organisation

Registering your organisation on the Shire of Carnarvon Directory is FREE.

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