Council approves State request to change management of lands with levee system

Published on Wednesday, 24 August 2022 at 9:00:00 AM

The Shire of Carnarvon’s Council has approved a request from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) to remove management orders on Crown lands on which the Carnarvon Flood Mitigation Levees are located. Once implemented, the change in orders will effectively streamline the management of the levees and remain under the direction of the Water Corporation.

The Shire previously held management orders over portions of Crown land parcels on which the Carnarvon Flood Mitigation Levees are located but was not responsible for the maintenance and management of the levee system. Council agreed to the DLPH request, recognising that the Shire was not previously responsible for the maintenance of the levee system and would remove potential risks associated with the system from the Shire in future.

“The decision was a logical one from a management perspective and a risk perspective,” said Shire President Eddie Smith. “The Shire previously had management orders on lands where the levee was situated but had no management orders on the system itself. A consolidated process for the Water Corporation to assume full management is better for the ongoing maintenance and efficacy of the levee system and protects the Shire with no risk involved.”

The levee system was built in 2011 to protect the Town of Carnarvon and its horticultural district from major flooding from the Gascoyne River. The levees are currently located on various Crown lands including a pastoral lease, Crown reserves, dedicated road reserves, and unallocated Crown land.

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