OTC Dish - Thoth request a lease

Published on Tuesday, 1 February 2022 at 11:15:00 AM

The much-loved OTC Dish is once again in focus.  Council today approved, subject to public submission, a proposed lease application from Thoth Technology Inc (Thoth), a Canadian space and defence company specialising in Space Domain Awareness, Space Traffic Management and Radio Astronomy. 

“I am delighted with the proposal from Thoth and look forward to this investment which will breathe life into this important Carnarvon icon.  It is a remarkable and unique opportunity for our community said Shire President, Eddie Smith.

Some of the benefits this partnership will bring to our community include:

  • Assisting the Carnarvon Space & Technology Museum by providing resources and technical expertise for exhibits at the Museum;
  • Engaging with local high school students by providing science project prizes and similar activities;
  • Engage local contractors and employees;
  • Encourage international and national attention to the history of the OTC Dish.

“We look forward to community feedback and submission on this proposed lease” said Cr Smith.  “With the community’s support, this could be ensuring our beloved OTC Dish has a future that is as bright as its incredible past”.

FUN FACT - Did you know that the OTC Dish was installed in 1969 and was part of the OTC Satellite Earth Station to facilitate better communication between the NASA Tracking Station and the USA?

Full details of the proposed lease will be advertised for public submissions in the near future.  In the interim, anyone with questions is encouraged to contact the Shire CEO, Andrea Selvey, via shire@carnarvon.wa.gov.au

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