Notice of Annual General Meeting of Electors

Published on Friday, 14 October 2022 at 2:08:40 PM

There will be an Annual General Meeting of Electors commencing at 12.00 noon  in Council Chambers (entrance via Stuart Street) on Tuesday 8 November 2022. 


The purpose of the meeting and order of business is -

  1. The receiving of the 2020/2021 Annual Report.
  2. Dealing with such other business as the President, or person presiding at the meeting thinks fit.

Copies of Council's Annual Report are available at the front counter of the Shire Administration Building, 3 Francis Street, Carnarvon or on Council’s website –  Annual Reports

This meeting will be Live Streamed for those unable to attend in person, and questions made online will addressed during Public Question Time, at item 3.0 on the agenda.

Andrea Selvey