Notification of Road Works in Carnarvon & Surrounds

Published on Wednesday, 24 August 2022 at 3:20:48 PM

Shire of Carnarvon contractors have commenced resealing a number of Carnarvon streets and Carnarvon-Mullewa Road commencing Tuesday, 23rd August 2022.


The anticipated program of works is as follows:



23rd – 26th August

George Street, Tuckey Court, West Street, Olivia Terrace, Wooramel Street, Hill Street, Rushton Street, Shallcross Street, Hope Street, Smart Street, Festival Grounds and carparks.

27th – 29th August

Carnarvon-Mullewa Road.


Traffic management will be in place during the works and drivers are requested to follow all directions when accessing the above listed roads and carparks.

Short delays should be anticipated during these works including temporary closure of carparking areas at Town Beach.

The Shire apologises for any inconvenience caused.


Andrea Selvey